Discuss how you think society can get out of the information bubble. Task is to discuss and debate as a team about the information bubble or algorithm bubble.
- Directions for conversation:
- What do these concepts mean
- How information bubbles appear
- What or who needs information bubbles for
- How do you think you can get out of a bubble?
- Podcast duration: at least 15-20 minutes.
Explore the issue, speculate, and find possible solutions to the problem of society's isolation in information bubbles.
Remember(!)There are no wrong answers, but try to argue your position based on facts or your experience.
Submission of the assignment:
To validate this assignment, there are several options (choose however you like)
-Upload a podcast as a material/file to any platform convenient for you (e.g. failiem.lv), create a document in Google Drive in a folder named Podcast and attach the link.
-Upload the audio file (podcast) to Google Drive in the folder named Podcast.
Check in with Slack (Assignments chatroom) that the task has been completed.
Resources for inspiration:
Technical tools
For smartphones:
-Anchor - free app (PlayMarket), the easiest way to make a podcast, ever. It's the only app that lets you record a high-quality podcast, and distribute it everywhere (including Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts) - all in one place. No fancy equipment or podcasting experience necessary, and it's 100% free!
-InShot- free app (PlayMarket), intended for video edition, but available for sound cutting (wepose to participants download this tool and check their capabilities and possibilities, it's the simplest app for audio/video editing) - we will demonstrate them in more detail, since these apps are the easiest ways to make video and audio content for students.
-AndroSound Audio Editor
-Audio Lab
For laptops:
-Reaper (DAW Station)- free app- digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer.
-iZotope Nectar 2 (not for free)- the most sophisticated set of tools designed for vocal production. Address every part of your vocal chain and get professional-sounding vocals in seconds with new machine learning features, stunning visualizations, and more.
-VocalSynth- recorded sound edition, is an immersive vocal experience that adapts and evolves with your unique style and opens up a world of vocal possibilities.
-iZotope Ozone 8- instrumental modulation
-refx Nexus- sounds library
-Adobe Audition (30 days for free)- is a digital audio workstation from Adobe Systems featuring both a multitrack, non-destructive mix/edit environment and a destructive-approach waveform editing view.
-Audio Status Maker